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          ~亦舒, “弄潮兒”

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The Dalai Lama Weighs In On Same Sex Marriage | Dalai Lama Interview | Larry King Now - Ora TV

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2012-05 親子天下雜誌34期 作者:鄧惠文


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when i found out that jamey rodemeyer killed himself - i felt deeply troubled. but when i found out that jamey rodemeyer had made an it gets better video only months before taking his own life - i felt indescribable despair. i also made an it gets better video last year - in the wake of the senseless and tragic gay teen suicides that were sweeping the nation at the time. but in light of jamey's death - it became clear to me in an instant that living a gay life without publicly acknowledging it - is simply not enough to make any significant contribution to the immense work that lies ahead on the road to complete equality. our society needs to recognize the unstoppable momentum toward unequivocal civil equality for every gay lesbian bisexual and transgendered citizen of this country. gay kids need to stop killing themselves because they are made to feel worthless by cruel and relentless bullying. parents need to teach their children principles of respect and acceptance. we are witnessing an enormous shift of collective consciousness throughout the world. we are at the precipice of great transformation within our culture and government. i believe in the power of intention to change the landscape of our society - and it is my intention to live an authentic life of compassion and integrity and action. jamey rodemeyer's life changed mine. and while his death only makes me wish that i had done this sooner - i am eternally grateful to him for being the catalyst for change within me. now i can only hope to serve as the same catalyst for even one other person in this world. that - i believe - is all that we can ask of ourselves and of each other.

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Segment #1

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中文字幕版: http://hornydragon.blogspot.com/2011/05/george-carlin-religion-is-bullshit.html

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作者: spicalts (王L) 看板: lesbian
標題: [話題] 分享一位異性戀學長 對於同婚的看法
時間: Sun Apr 24 14:37:41 2011

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壹電視 http://www.nexttv.com.tw/index/section/sec_1/11/sec_2/10004/vdo/8394

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They probably think their selfless behaviour makes them popular but the truth about 'do-gooders' is nobody really likes them, according to new research.

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親情 1/3

親情 2/3

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http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SutThIFi24w http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/buNZtifaiog

John Corvino (The Gay Moralist)

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在日本戰國時代(1467-1573),武士和其僕從生死與共,同性戀盛行,這種關係被稱為“眾道”,武士的情人被稱為“小姓”。 例如,浦上宗景(備前國天神山城主)和宇喜田直家(1529-1581),大內義隆(1507-1551,周防、長門、石見、安藝、豐前、築前6國守護)和陶晴賢(1521-1555),武田信玄(1521-1573,甲斐國守護)和高坂昌信(1527-1578),上杉謙信(1530-1578,越後國守護)、上杉景勝(1555-1623,上杉謙信的養子)和直江兼續(1560-1619),織田信長(1534-1582,征服日本東部半壁江山的軍事家)和前田利家(1538-1599)、森蘭丸(1565-1582,戰國三大美少年之一),豐臣秀吉(1536-1598,結束戰國紛爭的統一者)和石田三成(1560-1600),德川家康(1542-1616,江戶幕府的開創者)和井伊直政(1561 -1602),蒲生氏鄉(1556-1595,會津若松城主)和名古屋山三郎(1572-1603,戰國三大美少年之一),羽柴秀次(1568-1595,亦稱豐臣秀次,豐臣秀吉的養子)和不破萬作(1577-1595,戰國三大美少年之一),伊達政宗(1568-1636,奧州守護)和隻野作十郎,等等。

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1) Being gay is not natural. Real Americans always reject unnatural things
like eyeglasses, polyester, and air conditioning.


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15歲同志出櫃惹殺機 女同志名嘴艾倫狄珍妮絲痛斥
更新日期:2008/03/01 01:37 特約記者莫祥珍綜合報導

美國加州最近發生一起校園槍擊案,15歲的男學生布蘭登(Brandon McInerney)槍殺他的同班男同學羅倫斯(Lawrence King),因為羅倫斯告白要布蘭登當他的情人!女同志名嘴艾倫狄珍妮絲在節目中收起笑臉,嚴肅討論這起命案傳遞的訊息:「出櫃可能引來殺身之禍,我們需要好好糾正這樣的認知!」

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2007-10-20 11:36/夏明珠


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Rochlin, M. (2004). The heterosexual questionnaire.
In M. S. Kimmel & M. A. Messner (Eds.), Men’s lives (p. 427).
New York: Allyn and Bacon.

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20050706 奇摩新聞


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