目前分類:第五段 W - 一開始就永不結束 (82)

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你失落了黃昏 卻換來平靜夜深
誰給了你寂寞 寂寞還給你新生

燈火闌珊 何必急於看到那個人

襪子 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

If I kiss you like this and if you whisper like that
It was lost long ago but it's all coming back to me
If you want me like this and if you need me like that
It was dead long ago but it's all coming back to me

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天是灰色的 雨是透明的 心是灰色的 我是透明的
愛是盲目的 戀是瘋狂的 痴是可悲的 我是絕對的
你是自由的 我是附屬的 她是永遠的 我是錯誤的
夢是美好的 你是殘酷的 我是灰色的 我是透明的

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He slept a summer by my side
He filled my days with endless wonder
He took my childhood in his stride
But he was gone when autumn came

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At first I was afraid, I was petrified
Kept thinking I could never live without you by my side

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一日 我遇見兩顆淚珠
一顆向我說 它屬於新娘快樂的淚水
另一顆向我說 它屬於新娘從前的愛人
她落下幸福的眼淚 他卻掉傷心的眼淚

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William: I live in Notting Hill. You live in Beverly Hills. Everyone in the world knows who you are, my mother has trouble remembering my name.
Anna Scott: I'm also just a girl, standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her.

Anna Scott: "For June who loved this garden from Joseph who always sat beside her." Some people do spend their whole lives together.

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The beating of my heart is a drum and it's lost
And it's looking for a rhythm like you

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All my life I've only been pretending
Without me his world will go on turning

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外面下著雨 猶如我心血在滴
愛你那麼久 其實算算不容易

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Another day has gone
I'm still all alone

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情比金堅 企鵝夫妻相守16年

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那時候的愛情 為什麼就能那樣 簡單
而又是為什麼 人年少時 一定要讓深愛的人受傷

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