寄件者:悄悄殞落的流星 (somsoc.bbs@bbs.ntu.edu.tw)
主旨:Just Before
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Just Before (I Was Gonna Say I Love You)
By: Tommy Page

And I recall the night
When my heart was shattered in two
想起 讓我心碎的那一夜

It took me so long
To find my thoughts, express it to you
掙扎著 該如何告訴你我的感受

I'd waited all my life
Thinking love would never come my way
用盡一生的等待 終究還是盼不到想要的收場

Then right before my eyes
You killed my dreams with what you had to say
你堅定冷酷的字句 就這樣生生地揉碎了我的夢想

And it took me some time to find the words
But I didn't get the chance to be heard, you told me
還來不及說出 藏在心中已久的話 你就給了我黑暗的未來

Just before I was about to say that I need you

Just before I was about to show my heart was true

You say that you were seeing another love
Someone you'd been dreaming of
All this time I never knew, you told me
你卻在這時告訴我 你已有了夢想中的真愛

Just before, just before, just before
就在 就在 就在

I was gonna say I love you
我正要開口對你說 我愛你的時候

All in one moment
I lost visions of heaven to be
一瞬間 天地一片黑暗

I said to myself

I was happier being lonely
一個人 簡單點 不是嗎

'Cause love is the most pain I've ever felt
從未經歷 愛原來如是痛楚

My heart is aching and my soul just melts
連靈魂 都好似要被心痛熔化

(Repeat Chorus)

[1;33m 我歡喜熱鬧
[1;33m 卻又害怕曲終人散後的寂寞
[1;33m 就這樣註定
[1;33m 一輩子在渴望中孤獨
[1;33m 孤獨.......
☆ [Origin: ◎椰林風情◎] [From: ccsun44.cc.ntu.edu.t] [Login: **] [Post: 39]


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